Wednesday, February 10, 2010

On My Radar: Final Fantasy XIII

I'm really of two minds about the upcoming Final Fantasy release on March 9th of this year. Previous Final Fantasy releases for the XBox 360 have been lackluster, in my opinion, although I can honestly say that this title looks like it'll live up to the true spirit of the Final Fantasy franchise. My only real problem is this--I stopped. I got out. I played most of Final Fantasy X before making the switch to XBox, and since then I haven't really touched a turn-based game since (though in fairness I'm excluding the KOTOR franchise from this, which in my mind was only quasi-turn based).

What I'm getting at is, I don't know if I go back. I fully recognize that this title has the potential to be one of the most promising of 2010, and will certainly reinvigorate a franchise that seemed to be on its last legs. I have full faith that Final Fantasy XIII will become a proud part of the Final Fantasy canon and live up to its fabled predecessors. I just don't know if that's what I want. More later, I suspect.


1 comment:

  1. I talked a little bit about turn-based combat systems in my original post. For more on how FFXIII has revamped your usual turn-based combat with their new system called "paradigm shifts," check out Game Informer's preview. I think this one will be a hit with me.
