Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I know this is a video game blog but...

Beer is my other love. So since I don't have anything enlightened to say about gaming at the moment, besides I'm going to drive to Cali and burn down Blizzard HQ over the absurd lag I've been experiencing. Com'on, fucking 1 min loot lag? FML.

Anyways, this post is dedicated to Smuttynose Wheat Wine Ale. I'm on the fence right now as I'm finishing the first half of my bomber. The flavor is good. It's something new and different I can't tell if I like it...its too new, review:

Severing type: bottle
A: dark copper, minimal off white head, some lacing
S: caramel, vanilla, slight hop aroma, minimal alcohol
T: the caramel and vanilla come through, the wheat provides a spiciness, mild hop bitterness
M: low carbonation, warm alcohol, slightly syrupy but not as much as a barley wine
D: definitely a sipper