Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How in the hell?

I started this post entirely differently, and now I'm rewriting it, so I'll have to rethink my lead in. I was preparing a post about how my longing to replay Mass Effect 2 and my strange nostalgia for The Force Unleashed and KOTOR have reminded me how much I'm looking forward to The Old Republic MMO. That being said, while writing the original post, something new floated across my radar.

The Force Unleashed 2.

How has this existed without my knowledge, and for how long? I encourage everyone to check out the trailer, which is all different sorts of awesome, but there's no official release date at the end. We can expect it sometime in 2010, certainly, but that could still mean a lot of waiting. Internet chatter places it sometime in Q3, but frankly I wouldn't be surprised to see that get pushed back and have this become a hot-selling Christmas item. It's a lot of waiting, for sure, but most of us waited for a long time for the first one.

I continually wish I could jump forward in the future. With Force Unleashed 2 coming out late 2010 and The Old Republic hopefully hitting the web in Spring 2011, we've got a lot of waiting to do, and a lot to wait for. A year from now, though, I imagine I'll be a very happy man.


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